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Work Package 2


comparative inquiry for urban equality 


Work Package 2 links the city-based research agenda in Work Package 1 with contemporary debates on global urbanism. To do so, WP2 will engage with the research sub-question: ‘How is urban equality comparatively understood, promoted, and implemented between groups within the city and between cities? Comparing urban processes, places and groups rather than cities per se will enables us to better identify the conditions that shape the common and particular relationships between the city and equality.

How is urban equality comparatively understood, promoted, and implemented?

Building on city-based research, Work Package 2 engages with the three challenges of prosperity (Co-Investigator Henrietta Moore), resilience (Co-Investigator Allan Lavell) and extreme poverty (Co-Investigator Colin McFarlane), Work Package 2 engages with how these issues are similarly or differently shared, connected, experienced and contested.



Work Package 2 will have a direct contribution to current debates on Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG11) and the New Urban Agenda, particularly in relation to how we understand and measure progress through quantitative and qualitative indicators across different urban contexts, as well as the ways this understanding can be embedded in local governance structures.



WP2 about

KNOW Working Paper No 7 by Allan Lavell and Ángel Chávez Eslava

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Rethinking Urban Risk and Resettlement in the Global South

Edited by Cassidy Johnson, Garima Jain, and Allan Lavell

Open access download 


KNOW International Engagement Brief #2 

Localising the Sustainable Development Goals: An Urban Equality Perspective 

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Sustainability,  2021, 13(5), 2669

Multiple Hazards and Governance Model in the Barranquilla Metropolitan Area, Colombia

Read and download 


Urban Planning, Vol 5, No 3 (2020)

Pathways to the ‘Good Life’: Co-Producing Prosperity Research in Informal Settlements in Tanzania

Read and download 


Blog post 

Reflections on COVID-19 in Cities: Connecting Extreme Poverty, Resilience, and Prosperity

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Dialogues in Urban Equality #8

Re-thinking Prosperity

WP2 latest
wp2 team

Lead Co-Investigator WP2, and Lead on Extreme Poverty

Department of Geography, Durham University 

Co-Investigator WP2, and Lead on Prosperity

Bartlett Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL


Co-Investigator WP2, and Lead on Resilience

Latin-American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO)/ KNOW Latin America
Regional lead) 

Research Fellow for Extreme Poverty WP2; Research Associate WP6

Bartlett DPU, UCL



Research Fellow for Prosperity WP2

Bartlett Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL


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