primary management team
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Collaborative urban planning towards a fairer and more resilient metropolis
city project
PUCP and its NGO partners in Lima are undertaking an action research project that works with social, political and community actors to make visible, understand, and transform the dynamics that generate and maintain inequality between social groups in the city.
The project co-designs, tests and disseminates urban strategies and public policy proposals to contribute to greater equity at the local and metropolitan levels.
The project combines research and advocacy with co-design, implementation and evaluation of urban strategies in two representative areas with precarious conditions and risks in which the majority of the poorest families in the city live. It seeks to consolidate relations with civil society and the public and private sector for the generation of an action research network focused on reducing urban inequalities.
know limas final seminar
The KNOW Lima project will be sharing experiences of academics, professionals, policy formers, NGOs, activists and citizenship to contribute with a joint learning of lessons. Over three critical seminars, the team will disseminate strategies of urban intervention and public policy proposals to advance towards greater local equity and metropolitan.
Register now!
Monday 24 January
Food safety and pandemic
10:00am PERU / 15:00pm GMT)
Watch now via facebook (Spanish only)
Wednesday 26 January
Social and Care Infrastructure
Watch now via facebook (Spanish only)
Friday 28 January
Co-production to reduce inequalities
Watch now via facebook (Spanish only)
These seminars for part of the KNOW final conference
Collective infrastructures of care: Ollas Comunes defying food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic​
Belén Desmaison, Lia Alarcón, Paola Córdova, Luciana Gallardo, and Kelly Jaime, (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - PUCP)
limapolis | POST-PANDEMIC CITIZENs webinar series
latest resources
(en Español)
Rising Inequalities & the Need for Sustained Solidarity
(Video presentation via YouTube)
Co-Production and Food Security
(Mobile friendly community handbook)
Conocimento en Acción
PUCP Lima City page (Español)
LIMAPOLIS 2020 - Brief
(International Conference 01 - 08 March 2020)
Everyday risk in metropolitan Lima
(Lima team present at UrbanARC 2020)
Estadísticas y Mapas de Lima Metropolitana
Census data: Ramirez Corzo, D., Herrera, T. (2018)
One Square Metre
(Lima Introductory video)
(Video introductorio Español)
LIMA team
Paulo Dam
City Partner Lima
Department of Architecture, PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
City Partner Lima
Department of Architecture, PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
City Partner Lima
Department of Architecture, PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Daniel Ramirez
Corzo N.
City Partner Lima
Department of Architecture, PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Pablo Vega
City Partner Lima
Department of Architecture, PUCP Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú