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The programmes funding came to a close on 31 March 2022 

You can see our past events and webinars here


Previous Partner & KNOW Webinars 

past webinars
Limapolis 2020 | international workshop

Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) of PUCP, Lima |  01 – 08 March 2020

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Can architectural and urban design contribute to the reduction of urban inequalities?

Limapolis 2020 is a focus on planning in Lima; challenging the notions of urban inequality, architecture, and the frameworks in which the city is designed.

Bringing together an exciting line up of international speakers, the workshop presents a space for theoretical, practical, and interdisciplinary reflection on the urban. This seeks to construct a theory of change in the field of design that puts citizens at the centre in the co-production of a more inclusive Lima.


Read more about the workshop below or follow the events (En Español) via the @Limapolis2020 Facebook page. 

know at urban arc 2020 | Equal cities

IIHS Annual Research Conference  |  16 – 18 January 2020

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As part of the fourth edition of the Annual Research Conference of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Urban ARC, KNOW Investigators played a core role in presenting a number of papers across six themed panels aimed at exploring and sharing learnings from  the KNOW Project. 

This years conference, Equal Cities, focused on the conceptual, theoretical and practical understanding around notions of equality and equity in the context of a rapidly urbanising world, for which KNOW is exploring through its 6 Work Packages and city partnerships


Tuesday 03 December | Dialogues 12
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Presentations from: 

Susan Parnell

University of Bristol 


William Cobbett

Director of Cities Alliance 



Alexandre Apsan Frediani 
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Download the poster here 


What is the role that international partnerships and engagements play in enhancing state capabilities to advance urban equality? Bringing together Prof Susan Parnell, co-author of the book ‘Building The Capable State’, and William Cobbett, Director of Cities Alliance, the session examined experiences related to the development and implementation of global urban agendas, discussing how international encounters, partnerships and collaboration shape institutional capabilities to advance urban equality.

Tuesday 12 November 2019, Durban  
15:00-16:30 UTC
Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality at UCLG Congress, Durban 2019 

UCLG Global Conversation:

Partnerships for Urban Equality


Tuesday 12 November 



Find out more

Download the postcard 

UCLG Durban 2019 


KNOW will participate in the 2019 UCLG Congress, which will take place in Durban, South Africa, 11-15 November. The summit is the main event organised by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), which congregates every three years Mayors and local and regional leaders from all over the world.


Presentations from: 


Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr | Mayor of Freetown

Anelis María Marichal González | Institute of Physical Planning, Havana


Braima Koroma | Njala University, Sierra Leone

Jorge Peña Diaz | Technological University of Havana CUJAE, Cuba


Caren Levy | University College London, KNOW Principal Investigator

Michele Acuto | University of Melbourne



Alexandre Apsan Frediani | University College London

William Cobbett | Director of Cities Alliance

Ana Falú | Habitat International Coalition

Fatmata Shour | Activist


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Tuesday 01 October 2019 

Facebook Event listing 


Download the poster here 


Presentations from: 


Dr Pascale Hofmann 

Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL 


Dr Tim Ndezi & Festo Dominic Makoba 

Centre for Community Initiatives, Tanzania 

This dialogue will presented findings from collaborative research that interrogates urban sanitation poverty over time and across scales. Evidence from our KNOW research confirms that not all low-income residents in Dar es Salaam suffer from the same level of sanitation poverty. Their diverse practices and trajectories are shaped by a complex web of intersecting factors and relations across scales.

Findings reveal socially differentiated (vulner-)abilities among women and men, providing valuable insights into the potentials and limitations found within existing practices. These learnings will be discussed with KNOW Tanzanian city partners to explore the development of more just and integrated sanitation solutions in cities like Dar es Salaam.

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Friday 06 September 2019 

Facebook Event listing 


Download the poster here 


Presentations from: 

Gautam Bhan

Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India

Shuaib Lwasa

Makerere University, Uganda

Jorge Peña Díaz

Technological University of Havana (CUJAE), Cuba



Caren Levy & Alexandre Apsan Frediani 
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


In our tenth Dialogues in Urban Equality, will brought together three KNOW partners from Bangalore, Kampala, and Havana, to share experiences of how different institutions are building pathways to urban equality.


The session focused  on how institutions seek to bring about urban change; developing collective action that engages with institutional learning to confront challenges and seize opportunities. Reflecting on concrete experiences of diverse institutions – micro enterprises, educational and public institutions – the panel will explore the notions of institutional capabilities and the contributions of the different experiences to debates on urban equality.

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Wednesday 12 June 2019 

Pearson (North East Entrance) G22 LT 

Gower St. London 



Download the poster here 


Presented by 

Prof Oren Yiftachel 
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Leverhulme Visiting Professor, UCL Dept of Geography and DPU. 


In this Dialogue UCL Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Oren Yiftachel, explored recent attempts to translate in 'real time' theories of justice to urban planning. 

This thought provoking discussion addressed the redistribution of resources, the establishment of democratic practices, as well as the politics of recognition, ranging from positive affirmation to outright hostility. Prof. Yiftachel reflects on recent attempts to promote the practice of 'doing the just city' through targeted projects involving students and practitioners in several cities in Israel/Palestine.

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Tuesday 19 March 2019 

Bedford Way 

LG04 Lecture Theatre 

UCL, 26 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0DS








This event is part of the Bartlett 100, a year-long celebration in 2019 to mark 100 years since the naming of the faculty. Find our more at


Download the poster here 


This month we focus on metrics as powerful forms of urban knowledge and the role they play in shaping how prosperity and inequality are conceptualised, measured and acted on in cities. We will ask our two guests - renowned scholars who have taken radically different approaches to developing new prosperity and inequality metrics – to offer critical reflections on metrics as a form of urban governance. Our speakers will explore scope for the co-production of metrics with city stakeholders - citizens, communities, governments, NGOs and business – and what new forms of knowledge can contribute to pathways to equality.


Prof Herietta L. Moore 

The Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP), UCL, KNOW Lead Investigator 


Dr Jose Gabriel Palma 

Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University 



annual workshop 2019
25 February - 01 March 2019 

Each year, the KNOW team meets in one

of our partner cities to discuss, share, and

co-develop the future of the project.


The second of our annual workshops will

be held in Havana Cuba, where we will

review the year gone by, plan for the future

and focus on four key themes:


  1. Reviewing our collective understanding of Urban Equality

  2. Co-Production of Knowledge

  3. Co-Learning in KNOW

  4. Activating collective action: creating conditions for change


The time in Havana will also be spent

visiting field sites, research partners and holding two key events in celebration of 500 years of Havana (below). 


Image above: Picturesque Plan of Havana, with the Numbers of Houses 1853,
published by B. May & Co., London. 

500 years of urban diversity in Havana 
Tuesday 26 February 

Patrimonio Comunidad y Medio Ambiente, La Habana

Havana, Cuba 








La Habana 500 años de diversidad urbana 


City Exhibition 


This exhibition explores 500 years of urban diversity in Cuba through a rare display of previously un-exhibited archived maps, documents, and imagery of the city.

The exhibition is curated through a partnership between Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW, and La Habana: Movilidad para la ciudad que queremos, led by Urban Research & Action Group, Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Tecnolólogica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverria (CUJAE).

The Challenge of Urban Equality and Prosperity 
Wednesday 27 Feb

Palacio del
Segundo Cabo

Havana, Cuba 








KNOW Dialogues in Urban Equality #7 |
Retros de la equidad y la prosperidad urbanas 


The issues of urban equality and prosperity are important to current discussions about the future of Havana and Cuba.  Each of these terms are also encapsulated in wider global commitments like the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs, as well as in other national policy deliberations. The definition of urban equality and prosperity - and the relationship between them – are a central part of these debates.  Our speakers are renowned scholars who are contributing innovatory work on the definition and operationalisation of these concepts.  They will explore these debates in different national and international contexts. 


Adriana Allen 
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, KNOW Co-Investigator WP5 




Dr Ricardo Núñez Fernández

Cuban Expert on the Urban Economy 


Prof Henrietta L. Moore 

The Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP), UCL, KNOW Lead Investigator 


Prof Jorge Peña Díaz 

Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Tecnolólogica de La Habana, Joseé Antonio Echeverria (CUJAE)



The dialogue will shape part of the KNOW 2019 Annual Workshop and also the Havana 500 years celebrations. This event will be recorded and available on KNOW Platforms after the date.


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Tuesday 15 January 2019 

KNOW Offices 

DPU@ Senate House 

Senate House, Malet St.

London, UK 



Facebook Event listing 


Download the poster here 


Land markets are key drivers of urban inequality. In cities across the global South, the urban poor are forced to live on risky land, excluded from formal land markets, and displaced by market forces. Through urban land markets and unjust land use planning, social and economic inequalities become spatialised within the city. And yet, land markets also represent an important opportunity to leverage fairer and more equal cities. Thinking beyond binaries of formal-informal, planned-unplanned, we invite you to join us to discuss the significance of urban land for building pathways to urban equality.

Presented by 

Dr Colin Marx 


For more information please register your interest via Facebook but please note all are welcome (no registration required) 


Unfortunately this Dialogue is not available to view online 


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Wednesday 07 November

Wilkins Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, Gower St. 

London WC1E 6BT 


Facebook event listing 


Download the poster here 


This month we ask three renowned scholars on the subject of urban poverty to reflect on the changeable and changing nature of urban extreme poverty: how does urban extreme poverty manifest for different groups in different cities across the global South; how does the nature of urban poverty shift with time, place, and context; and what do these changes mean for efforts to increase urban equality?

Chaired by: 

  • KNOW Principal Investigator Caren Levy 

Our discussants will include: 

  • Prof David Satterthwaite (International Institute for Environment and Development)

  • Emeritus Prof Caroline Moser, University of Manchester


Please note this event is being recorded and shared via facebook live. 


For more information please register your interest via Facebook or download the Event Poster 


The "Dialogues in Urban Equality" series is a London-based monthly seminar that provides a space of encounter to discuss the challenges of urban equality through different perspectives, geographies, and voices.

The fourth in our series will focus on the Ethics of Research Practice 

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Wednesday 17 October

KNOW Offices 

DPU@ Senate House 

Senate House, Malet St.

London, UK 



Facebook event listing


Download the poster here 


Research involving the co-production of knowledge for urban equality raises ethical issues. This dialogue explores how the practice of research operates between institutionalised ethical codes and procedures, and the situated conditions on the ground. We will discuss the relevance of medical ethics for humanities research; the institutionalisation of ethics into systems and professional bodies; and the conflict between western notions of ethics based on individuality, compared to more collaborative practices of care for the other.

Chaired presentations by: 

  • Prof Jane Rendell (The Bartlett School of Architecture)  

  • Dr Yael Padan (The Bartlett School of Architecture)  

Our discussants will include: 


  • Dr Ella Parry (Davies The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama)

  • Jennifer Roest (the Oxford University Ethox Centre)

  • Dr David Roberts (Bartlett School of Architecture UCL)


Unfortunately this Dialogue is not available to watch online 


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Monday 01 October

KNOW Offices 

DPU@ Senate House 

Senate House, Malet St.

London, UK 




Download the Event Poster 



The third in our dialogues series will focus on Planning Education. Re-framing urban planning pedagogies. 
Our discussants will interrogate pedagogies that facilitate co-learning and the co-production of knowledge at different scales with multiple actors from the government, the private sector, academia, and civil society. 

Our discussants will include: 


  • Prof Adriana Allen  (The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL)​

  • Prof Elaine Unterhalter  (UCL Institute for Education) 

  • Lorena Zárate (President of Habitat International Coalition (HIC))

  • Gautam Bhan (IIHS)


The "Dialogues in Urban Equality" series is a London-based monthly seminar that provides a space of encounter to discuss the challenges of urban equality through different perspectives, geographies, and voices.

The fourth in our series will focus on the Ethics of Research Practice 

Monday 1st October (World Habitat Day) 
Workshop: Translocal Pedagogies in Planning Education for Urban Equality

Image: Nam Vo Son (2018)

10:00 –16:30

Planning education faces severe challenges in its capacity to address urban inequality. This workshop will provide an opportunity to interrogate the role of translocal learning, critical pedagogies and situated practices in the quest for re-framing planning education.​

Saturday 21 July

The Bartlett Spatial Engagement Network invites you to join us 

at the Tate Exchange on July 21st where we will discuss "Ideas for Civic Action" with a wide range of community groups, practitioners and researchers, including, Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW).

Ideas for Civic Action will showcase initiatives where architects and urban researchers have been aware of the social and political implications of their work, aiming to encourage a more conscious way of practice which serves community interests.

Throughout three sessions participants will discuss spaces and methods proposed to foster meaningful relations between people and the places where they live. A fourth session, in collaboration with Just Space, will present current projects where communities across London are taking action over their local areas. A final shared plenary hosted by the School of Civic Action and Umeå School of Architecture will draw conclusions and actions from the day.


KNOW will participate as part of the second session 'Methods for Civic Action'


Session 2: Methods for Civic Action. Which are the methods used to encourage civic action?


Wednesday 11 July 

KNOW Offices 

DPU@ Senate House 

Senate House, Malet St.

London, UK 



Facebook Event listing


Event Poster 


The second in our dialogues series will focus on co-producing the city: By who, and for whom? What knowledges, actors, and processes are required? And what is the role of co-production in making cities more equal? 

Our discussants this month include: 

  • Prof Vanesa Castán Broto 

  • Dr Barbara Lipietz

  • Dr Catalina Ortiz


Urban inequalities can be a result of the ways that some forms of knowledge and experience are privileged, and others are marginalised, in the planning, design, and governance of cities.

One response to this challenge is the idea of co-production. This event will bring together three scholars from different research traditions for a conversation on the significance of co-production in urban design, planning, and climate change governance.


Unfortunately this Dialogue is not avaiable to watch online. 


The "Dialogues in Urban Equality" series is a London-based monthly seminar that provides a space of encounter to discuss the challenges of urban equality through different perspectives, geographies, and voices.

The fourth in our series will focus on the Ethics of Research Practice 

Thursday 07 June 

KNOW Offices 

DPU@ Senate House 

Senate House, Malet St.

London, UK 



Facebook event listing 


Event Poster 


Our first Dialogue looks at Climate Resilience: 

Managing disaster risk as an intrinsic part of urban life. 



Dr. Cassidy Johnson 


Cities across low-and middle-income countries are considered particularly susceptible to climate change and expect higher frequencies and intensities of hazard events. However, urban dwellers see these potential disasters not as their greatest threat, but rather an amplification of their daily struggles like inadequate infrastructure and tenure insecurity. This talk will explore the challenges and opportunities that an ‘urban equality’ lens can bring to the debate of making cities resilient to climate change. It will examine caveats of risk and relocation strategies and advocate anticipatory approaches to integrate current and future risk into urban development, land use and urban planning.


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